Toby’s Story | Not Our Forever Situation

October 20, 2018

When you think of Tiburon, you probably think of multi-million dollar homes and gorgeous views from this bayside Marin County town. Or perhaps what comes to mind are chic cafes and boutique shops that dot the quaint streets as luxury cars pass by. What you probably don’t think about is the very real hunger problem that exists in this wealthy enclave just north of the Golden Gate Bridge.

Nestled about halfway between Highway 101 and Tiburon’s tony downtown is the Hilarita Apartment complex, one of several subsidized housing facilities in the area. It is home to about 100 families, including 25-year-old Toby and his mom. After graduating from the College of Marin with a degree in chemistry, Toby moved back home to help his ailing mother while he looks for his first “real job.”

Toby’s mother has a chronic hip problem, and for now, the two are living on her disability and social security benefits. After paying rent, there isn’t much money left to spend, even for essentials like food. Toby was “blown away” when he learned that the Food Bank was opening a food pantry at Hilarita this past spring, and says it has really saved him and his mom, at an especially vulnerable time.

“The pantry helps out a lot, because I’m still looking for work. So there’s the financial issue,” Toby says. “Eventually I’m going to get a job – hopefully something in biotech – so this isn’t our forever situation. But until then, every little bit helps. To some people, the money we save on groceries might seem insignificant, but for me and my mom, it makes a big difference.”

Since April of 2018, more than 30 families like Toby’s are able to pick up fresh groceries at the Hilarita pantry every week – fresh vegetables and fruits, protein like chicken drumsticks, and grains. These items help stretch dollars so residents can pay their rent, PG&E bills and buy medicine.

“The food pantry also helps us to stay in touch with the community. I like to see my neighbors – some of them anyway,” Toby says with a laugh. “Tuesday is a day to come down here to say hello, to check in with everybody. We see how they’re doing and then head home with fresh food for the week.”

As an added bonus, they pantry has encouraged Toby to make healthier food choices too:  “I actually started eating carrots again because of this place” he says.  “I used to eat them as a boy, so I grabbed some the other day, and now I’m back to eating carrots all the time as snacks.”

Hilarita residents, many of whom are low income, have been asking about a pantry for more than two years, but issues with the property managers made collaborating with the site difficult. Then the nonprofit ‘EAH Housing’ took over and committed to making the pantry a reality. “It took some extra perseverance,” says Food Bank pantry liaison Edith Cadena, “but when we finally opened up our doors it was real source of pride, not just for myself, but other food bankers, and especially the residents.”

Miyuki’s Story | Food is Life

July 24, 2018

If you’re going on appearances alone, then there is little way that you would know all the hardships Miyuki and her family have experienced in recent years.  The smiling, bespectacled woman was busy picking up a week’s worth of groceries at the Food Bank’s Health Children pantry at Bessie Carmichael Elementary School in the South of Market neighborhood when she recalled the past seven years of her life.

Her troubles really started in March of 2011 when a 9.1 earthquake, and resulting tsunami, caused widespread damage in her home country of Japan, including the failure of the nearby Fukushima nuclear power plant.  Eventually, four of Miyuki’s friends would die of cancer in their 30’s – she believes they all are related to the radiation.  In an effort to protect her infant daughter, Miyuki and her husband fled to the United States.


They settled in Oakland, but soon after, they lost everything when their apartment building burned to the ground.  Homeless, and staying with various friends for about two years, fate finally smiled on Miyuki’s family in the form of an affordable housing unit that opened up in San Francisco.

It is here where they are starting fresh, but times are still tough. Miyuki’s husband works construction, and she picks up freelance work, but mostly she cares for her daughter. “We can’t afford babysitters, and it’s my job as her mother to take care of my daughter.”


She says the food pantry at her daughter’s school helps her so much. “We’re broke, so I cook whatever I get and use everything,” she says.

Miyuki recently made oat bar snacks for her daughter’s classroom, using mostly items that she picked up at the pantry.  “The kids loved them – they grabbed me and asked, ‘how did you make that?’ It made me happy. I see a lot of families at the school struggling to eat healthy food which is why it’s great that the pantry has so many fruits and vegetables.  Food is life.”


What most inspires her is to see the other families in line who are also struggling, but doing what they can to make sure their children are well-nourished.

“The world is a mess right now. But it doesn’t matter where you live, you have to live your life right now and appreciate what you have and remain positive. The Food Pantry is a really positive place, and I hope people keep donating to feed people like us. I appreciate it so much, and it brings so much happiness to low-income families – particularly the kids.”

If you wish to help families like Miyuki’s please consider a donation to the Food Bank today.

Food Bank Innovations | Summer Kids Food Market

June 28, 2018

If she had her druthers, 7-year-old Michaela would tackle not one, but two professions when she grows up.

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”   Well, I got two…during the weekdays I want to be a hair stylist.  And on weekends I want to be a designer.
What kind of designer?”  I want to be a fashion designer for dogs and people!
“A dog dress designer?”  Yeah…I saw it on TV!”

The precocious second grader at San Francisco’s Dr. Charles Drew Academy then showed off some of her pet fashion designs on her campus-provided chromebook during an after-school program inside the multi-purpose room.  Technology and daycare aren’t the only things being offered at Charles Drew. Campus officials have partnered with the Food Bank for many years to provide fresh groceries on site – including hosting our Summer Kids Food Market.

Started back in 2016, our Summer Kids Food Market program was designed to help low-income families weather the summer months when children lose access to free and reduced-price school meal programs, and many school-based pantries close when campuses shut down for the summer break.

Michaela was excited that she and her family were able to get fresh groceries through the summer months.  “I like apples, oranges, bananas and mom puts a special sauce on the mangoes that make them super spicy and it’s good…I like that a lot.”

Michaela’s uncle, Ray Bean, is a part-time resource officer at the school and picked up groceries during the summer months too. “If you didn’t do the summer pantry thing, it would be a huge struggle with my pocketbook. I would have to go to the store and buy some of these items, and we all know how much healthy food costs these days. Your groceries are really a huge help to the entire community, especially during summertime.”

This is the third year of our Summer Kids Food Market program, and the most ambitious one yet. Four sites have been opened this year – one each in Chinatown, the Bayview, the Western Addition, and Potrero Hill – and are serving over 500 families from more than a dozen different schools in these neighborhoods.

If you would like to support innovative projects like our Summer Kids Food Markets, consider a donation today.

Making Thanksgiving Possible | A Community Comes Together

November 14, 2017

Thanksgiving is our busiest time of year at the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank, and it takes thousands of people to pull it off. From dedicated volunteers to pantry coordinators to community partners to generous supporters like you, distributing a special holiday menu for thousands of Food Bank participants is truly a team effort.

Your support helps the Food Bank serve our 253 neighborhood pantries and 200 community partners across San Francisco and Marin. Every organization that distributes food supplied by the Food Bank makes a big difference in the lives they touch— whether they provide fresh groceries so our neighbors in need can prepare traditional Thanksgiving meals to enjoy with their loved ones at home, or prepare holiday feasts for participants with turkey and all the fixings.


In November, the Food Bank will provide local agencies like GLIDE Memorial Church and St. Anthony’s with ingredients to cook large-scale meals for our neighbors. On Thanksgiving, your support helps us send GLIDE 40,000 pounds of food to feed 5,000 of our hungry neighbors—many of whom are homeless or without family.

More than 500 volunteers lend a hand, and every guest receives a helping of turkey and ham, as well as the traditional sides of stuffing, mashed potatoes, and green beans.

“I’m in the shelter and without this, I probably wouldn’t be eating this Thanksgiving,” said a guest named Kittridge. “Here, you are treated like a guest, and it’s beautiful.”


The Food Bank will provide over 30,000 families who visit neighborhood food pantries with Thanksgiving ingredients to make a special meal at home with their loved ones. One of our participants, Martin who attends the Treasure Island Homeless Development Initiative, a supportive-housing center.

Martin’s family is part of a close-knit community of about 75 people who attend the weekly pantry. There, people not only pick up food, but they catch up and check in with their neighbors. “The Food Bank gives us a whole chicken,” says Martin. “It’s perfect because our oven is too small for a big turkey. We are so thankful.”

“Many of our pantry participants have disabilities,” says Sherryl Hairston, pantry coordinator. “They tell us all the time how much they appreciate this food. And, we can see it in their faces.”


With increased need over the holidays, there’s never a better time to support the Food Bank. Click here to make a contribution that will help provide warm meals to our neighbors in need.


What is “Food For All”?

October 26, 2017

At the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank, we believe in “Food For All” – that everyone in our community is able to obtain enough nutritious food to support the health and well-being of themselves and their families.

“Food For All” means our neighbors in need can get enough food, not only so they can tackle life’s many challenges, but also the nourishment that enables them to thrive and grow.

The opportunities and success that good food makes possible are highlighted in our Food For All advertising campaign. Keep an eye out for our Food For All ads on buses, billboards, street pole banners, and transit stations across Marin and San Francisco.

The ads feature the supersize smiles Food Bank staff, volunteers, and pantry participants, coupled with words that express what’s possible when everyone in our community has enough food to eat:  Strength, Hope, Courage, Health, Love, and Community.

Thank you to our wonderful partners for their contributions to our Food For All campaign:

  • Skona Advertising for designing this beautiful campaign
  • Photographer Peter Prato for capturing the amazing smiles and strength of the staff, volunteers, and participants
  • GreatKolor for securing free media, printing and installing the ads

Feeling inspired? Make a donation now if you believe in Food For All.

We can’t do it alone. Our visionary goal to end hunger can only be achieved by mobilizing the caring, giving power of our community.

Food Bank Response | North Bay Fires

October 11, 2017

Updated Sunday, October 15

As massive wildfires continue to decimate the North Bay, causing thousands of people to flee their homes, Bay Area Food Banks are responding. We have been working together all week to provide emergency food assistance to displaced neighbors. Our hearts and thoughts are with our North Bay neighbors who are seeking support.

Need food? Marin food pantries welcome fire evacuees: If you or someone you know in Marin has been impacted by the wildfires (and is not already receiving meals from an evacuation center), food is available from the Food Bank’s pantry network. Click here to use our Food Locator tool to find weekly food pantries that are open in Marin. To help individuals and families recover, the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank is making emergency food assistance available to evacuation centers and encouraging new participants to enroll at our weekly pantries.

Want to help? Monetary donations are the most effective way to assist right now.  

> Donate here to support Redwood Empire Food Bank,which is in the middle of the disaster zone, serving Napa, Sonoma, and Mendocino Counties. 

NOTE: At this time, the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank is not accepting donations of food, water, or other supplies. Get updates and stay connected with news about how San Francisco-Marin Food Bank is supporting the wildfire recovery efforts by following us on Facebook and Twitter.

How San Francisco-Marin Food Bank is supporting relief efforts

In times of emergency, Food Banks play a key role as “second responders,” providing food and water in the immediate aftermath of disaster, as well as longer-term food assistance as neighbors rebuild their lives.

At the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank, our Food Resources and Operations teams sprang into action early last week, assembling 12 pallets of shelf-stable snack items, drinks, and peanut butter. These ready-to-eat foods are being delivered to shelters that are housing people displaced by the fires.

On Tuesday, we moved those pallets of food to our Marin warehouse, which is much closer to the fire lines, and much closer to the people who need it. Within hours of arriving in Marin, two pallets were delivered to an evacuee shelter in San Geronimo Valley in West Marin County, helping 30 people who were forced from their homes the day before. Other shelters are opening daily, and our emergency-relief food is close by, ready to be shipped out as soon as it’s needed.

This weekend (October 14-15), we are providing food for breakfast for 400 evacuees at the Marin Civic Center evacuation shelter. The 11 pallets of food delivered today include cereal, peanut butter, jelly, beverages, apples, and pears.

Our team has also delivered a truckload of food and water to the Redwood Empire Food Bank (REFB), which is in the middle of the disaster zone, serving Napa, Sonoma, and Mendocino Counties. We have also sent four of our skilled forklift operators to help out at the REFB warehouse this weekend. Four members of our warehouse team – Rich, Steve, Leonardo and Carl – will travel to Sonoma County to provide assistance.

In the news, San Francisco-Marin Food Bank was featured on KTSF-Channel 36 TV (Chinese language). Click here to view the 3-minute segment; we are mentioned at the 1:43 mark.


2017 Community Partner Honoree | Gary Maxworthy

September 19, 2017

After spending much of his adult life leading a Bay Area-based food distribution company, Gary Maxworthy suffered through a tragedy.  It was 1994, he was 56 years old, and his first wife died.  As the grief slowly began to subside, Gary’s three children came together and suggested a change.  They wanted him to do something with his life that would strengthen his community.  Gary agreed and soon joined AmeriCorps as a VISTA volunteer. His first and only assignment was with the San Francisco Food Bank. His mission: to think of ways to address the growing problem of hunger.

This was at a time when food banks were distributing mostly boxed and canned non-perishable foods.  Gary had an inkling of an idea that not only would increase the amount of food we distributed, but also to provide tons of fresh, healthy produce for our participants.  He started reaching out to his old food distribution contacts – growers and packers up and down California – and asked if they would be willing to donate their extra produce to the Food Bank.  The initiative was called Farm to Family.

Eventually the idea took off.  Now, nearly two decades later Farm to Family serves a statewide network of 43 food banks, providing 180 million pounds of fresh produce every year.  Six-hundred thousand Californians are nourished by this food every week.  Just last year, Farm to Family delivered its one billionth pound of fresh produce!

While Farm to Family would be enough to make someone a “Food Hero,” Gary went beyond all of that.  He has been revered for his innovative spirit, his leadership, and his mentoring of Food Bank employees.

Gary announced his second retirement earlier this year, but before he could ride off into the sunset, he was chosen as the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank’s 2017 Community Partner Honoree for his incredible legacy and contribution to food banking, not just locally, but around the nation.

Watch Gary’s tribute video above.  And listen to Gary, in his own words, in this recent KQED Perspectives piece.

Nutrition Education | Back-to-School Lunch Tips

September 6, 2017

Healthy, Safe Back to School Lunch Ideas

Back to school is an exciting time – so many new things to learn, new friends to meet, and reconnections with old friends. It also means busy mornings! Here are tips from our Nutrition Education team for packing delicious, nutritious school lunches and ensuring they’re safe to eat at lunchtime, a few hours after the food leaves your kitchen.

Food Storage and Safety

While going back to school and food safety aren’t always linked in our minds, we should pay attention while packing family lunches. Bacteria grow most rapidly when food isn’t kept at its proper temperature. Some tips to keep in mind:

  • Keep cold food cold – If lunch contains perishable food items like meats, eggs, cheese, or yogurt, make sure to keep it cold using frozen water bottles or freezer packs.
  • Keep hot food hot – If lunch includes something like soup, chili, or stew, use an insulated container like a Thermos to keep it hot. Fill the container with boiling water, let stand for a few minutes, empty, and then put in the piping hot food. It should stay hot until lunchtime.
  • Storing lunches overnight – You can save time in the morning by prepping a loved one’s lunch the night before, but be mindful of food safety! Keep lunches in the refrigerator to keep them safe.
  • Clean containers daily – Each night, clean lunch containers thoroughly with warm, soapy water or a disinfectant wipe.

Healthy, Portable Recipes

If you need inspiration to create tasty, portable lunches, look no further! Remember that ideally, lunches should include at least three of the five food groups – veggies, fruits, protein, grains and dairy. By incorporating multiple food groups into lunch, you’re making sure your loved ones get the nutrients they need to power through their day.

Some recipes we recommend:

Food Bank Innovations | Food Pharmacies

August 9, 2017

He’s really not one to gloat, but for the first time in a long time 39-year-old San Francisco resident Julio says he’s feeling healthy.

“I’m hoping to live a long life for my two kids and my infant granddaughter, and I have the Food Bank to thank for that.”

Julio has “pre-diabetes” which means if he doesn’t start making changes to his diet, he’s a candidate to develop Type 2 Diabetes. His doctor recently referred him to the Silver Avenue Family Health Clinic, in the city’s Visitacion Valley neighborhood. There, the Food Bank and the San Francisco Health Network (SFHN) partnered this year to open up a new program centered on healthy, nutritious food called Food Pharmacies.

Julio says he came in weighing more than 270 lbs, and a blood pressure reading of 190 over 102. Several weeks later, and he’s dropped a few pounds, and saw his blood pressure drop considerably. “I finally feel like I’m on the right path to good health.”

Alicia Hobbs organizes the program at Silver Avenue and says the idea is to use food as medicine in a new regimen aimed at patients with health challenges, such as diabetes and hypertension. “We’re not just introducing patients to healthy food…we’re teaching them how to cook this food in the healthiest way possible. Perhaps most importantly, we’re trying to create a community where these patients feel supported every step of the way.”

Along with the food, patients have access to weekly health screenings, one-on-one consultations with Registered Dietitians, and referrals to additional resources like CalFresh.

James Stancil helps coordinate the Food Pharmacy and is also a patient. “I’ve been on the program for several weeks now, and I can tell you that I’m now being taken off of some of my meds.  My health has improved that much…this program is definitely going to save some lives.”

UCSF Clinical Professor, Dr. Rita Nguyen is overseeing the program for the SFHN and says “Addressing these barriers is key to the Network’s priorities of delivering high-quality care for diverse populations and addressing health disparities. Clinic staff and patients have been really enthusiastic about this new programming which would not have been possible without our wonderful partnership with the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank.”

Food Bank Director of Programs, Sheila Kopf couldn’t be happier to be partnering on such an innovative new program. “Good nutrition is essential for good health, and by working with these health care providers, we are building connections for patients to food assistance, which can improve their health outcomes for years to come.”

The plan is for the Food Bank and the San Francisco Health Network to open up five more Food Pharmacies in the city by the summer of 2018 and serve more than 200 patients.

We never stop innovating!  Support our Food Pharmacies and other new programs by donating today.


Healthy Children | Monday is Pantry Day

July 28, 2017

Later this month, it’s back to school for thousands of children all over the Bay Area.  A great many will likely groan when they hear the “Brapp! Brapp! Brapp!” of the alarm clock, but 9-year-old Za’niya is quite the opposite.  The incoming fourth grader at John Muir Elementary School in San Francisco actually looks forward to getting up early – especially on Mondays.  You see, Monday is pantry day at her school.  It’s when Za’Niya rises at 6am and helps her Great Aunt Jeanette, and her two cousins, Jayden and Jamire, set up the Healthy Children Pantry in the school’s cafeteria. Serving about 50 families every week, John Muir is one of 46 schools in San Francisco and Marin that partner with the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank to host pantries for students and families throughout the school year.

“Six o’clock is kinda early, but it’s okay because I know we’re helping out a lot of people who don’t have enough food at home to eat,” says Za’Niya, as she maneuvers a box of produce on a table in the school’s multi-purpose room.

Za’Niya is partial to the apples that find their way to the pantry: “They’re sweet and I really like it.  I put them in my backpack or my jacket pocket and eat it at recess.”

Jeanette has volunteered as the pantry coordinator for a few years, motivated by the need she sees among the families who attend John Muir. Almost 90 percent of the students are eligible for the free and reduced-price lunch program.

Now that she’s retired, Jeanette finds it increasingly difficult to stretch her budget to cover living expenses. “It used to be that I would pass on taking food from the pantry. I would leave it for other families because I felt like they needed it more,” she says. “But now, I’m finding that my own Social Security checks aren’t covering all the bills. My family is also struggling, so I take a box of food from the pantry too – some for me, but mostly to make sure Za’Niya and her cousins have good food to eat at home.”

For busy families, accessing fresh, healthy food right on campus, just before the bell rings on Monday mornings, is a great help.

Ryan Lawler, Kindergarten teacher says, “It’s hard for a lot of our families; some work two or three jobs. They’re trying to get their kids ready in the morning, to get them on the bus, to get them here to school on time. So with the pantry right here at school, our parents have a convenient, reliable source of food to sustain their families all week long.”

Last year, about 4,000 families were served by Healthy Children Pantries like the one at John Muir Elementary. These farmers’ market-style pantries provide low-income parents with fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protein such as chicken or eggs, and pantry staples like rice and beans.

Please give today to help parents provide their children with the food they need to stay healthy and thrive.