ABC7: Eat Drink SF Event Supports Food Bank

August 28, 2018

Eat Drink SF brought together culinary giants from all over the Bay Area together for a delectable event that had foodies from all corners of the region clamoring for more.  What’s more, the Food Bank and the nonprofit CUESA were financial beneficiaries.

ABC7 was there…


Marin Mommies Blog: Help Marin’s Mazie Girls End Hunger!

July 5, 2018

Recently, a trio of 7th grade girls out of Marin decided they were going to take an innovative approach to helping raise funds for their favorite nonprofit, the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank.  They used their artistic talents and some help from their parents to create cartoon monster tote bags that they would then sell to help raise funds to help their neighbors in need.  The effort captured the attention of Pamela Fox, who runs the Marin Mommies Blog.

We love it when our local youth do something inspiring and amazing, so we were thrilled to see the tote bag project from Marin’s Mazie Girls.

Mazie Girls is a group of three local middle school girls who are determined to help make a difference in our community by raising money for a worthy cause, in this case the SF-Marin Food Bank. They’re designing and printing limited-edition tote bags featuring their original artwork that they’ll sell at farmers markets throughout the San Francisco Bay Area for five weeks this August and September.

Read more about the Mazie girls’ story, published on the Marin Mommies Blog on July 5, 2018, here.

ABC7: Lemonade Stand Kit

June 21, 2018

The Food Bank recently put together a downloadable kit that would allow families to raise funds for hungry neighbors by hosting a lemonade stand.

ABC7 found it interesting and did a nice video about the idea below!

ABC7 Written Story



ABC 7 News: A summer project for the kids — fighting local hunger

June 20, 2018

The Food Bank’s Lemonade Stand Kit got some notice from ABC7 Reporter Juan Carlos Guerrero.

Here’s a way to keep kids busy this summer and teach them about philanthropy.

The SF-Marin Food Bank is urging families to set up lemonade stands and donate the proceeds to the food bank to fight local hunger.

Families can go to the food bank’s website and download a printable kit for the lemonade stand. It is located in the volunteer section. The kit includes a colorful banner, signage and a lemonade recipe. The campaign is set up so that kids can take charge of the lemonade stand.

Read more of his story published on June 20, 1918, right here.

San Francisco Examiner: Nonprofits Press SF Supes to Increase Social Spending

June 18, 2018

Nearly $141 million in funding requests have come into the Board of Supervisors committee reviewing Mayor Mark Farrell’s two-year budget proposal, highlighting the needs of a city that has become a symbol of the sharp divide between the haves and the have-nots.

The board’s Budget and Finance Committee has begun holding hearings on the budget proposal, which is $11 billion in each of the next two fiscal years, and will make millions of dollars in cuts this week in order to fund other priorities.

Read more from San Francisco Examiner Reporter Joshua Sabatini here. 

The Potrero View: Food Bank, Rather than Recreational Space, Slated to Occupy Dogpatch Parcel

June 15, 2018

The Food Bank has struck a deal with CalTrans to allow for a parking lot to be built on an unoccupied parcel of land in the city’s Dogpath neighborhood.   Reporter  covered the story for the Potrero View Newspaper

Add hunger to the list of things that’re booming in the Bay Area. The San Francisco-Marin Food Bank, which just purchased a 38,000-square foot facility in San Rafael and plans to expand its 65,000-square foot warehouse on Pennsylvania Avenue, estimates that 29 million meals are missed annually in the City alone.

“When we first moved into our building 20 years ago, we were distributing eight million pounds of food,” said Paul Ash, the Bank’s executive director. “Now we are distributing almost 50 million pounds of food and it’s still not enough.”

The Food Bank’s goal is to have enough capacity to distribute 70 million pounds from its San Francisco location. It already has the capability to bring in more food. “We just have nowhere to put it,” said spokesman Mark Seelig.

Read more of Iacuessa’s story – published in June 2018 – here.


4th Annual Food Bank Finals Challenge

May 31, 2018

For the 4th year in a row, we were involved in the Food Bank Finals Challenge – pitting us and the Alameda County Community Food Bank against the Greater Cleveland Food Bank – asking fans of the Warriors and the Cavs to make a donation during the NBA finals to prove which fan base is the most generous.  This year, it wasn’t even close.  The bay contingent raised over $20,000 while Cleveland only raised $155.00 (sad face emoji).  This fundraising campaign captured some nice media attention from our partners at ABC7

Along with more coverage from:


KQED Radio


Interim San Francisco Mayor Mark Farrell