KTVU Channel 2: Meals on Wheels and the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank Deliver

November 15, 2017

Our friends at Meals on Wheels unveiled a brand new Subaru that was donated to them to help in their Home Delivered Groceries Program.  KTVU Channel 2 reporter Allie Rasmus paid a visit to the Food Bank for this live shot on 11/15/17, showing her viewers where the food for the HDG program originates.  Food Banker, Maria Stokes was there in the 6 o’clock hour to greet Allie.



Marin Independent Journal: Food Aid Often Unused by Eligible Residents

September 28, 2017

Marin County has increased efforts to ensure that residents in need of and eligible for food stamps get them, but the county has a long way to go before reaching that goal.  That’s the gist of a new report, issued by the county this week.

Read more about it, including quotes from Food Bank staff, in this article by Marin Independent Journal reporter Richard Halstead.

ABC 7: Rock Legend Phil Lesh Fights Hunger

September 8, 2017

Rock-n-Roll Hall of Famer Phil Lesh – long a champion for the arts, education and the environment – lent his considerable talents to support the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank in the fight against hunger.

Lesh, who helped found the Grateful Dead, and his wife Jill, joined 30 fans during a two-hour volunteer shift at the Food Bank’s Novato warehouse on Friday, September 8th.  The group followed that up with dinner and a concert at the Lesh-owned Terrapin Crossroads in San Rafael.

Reporter Melanie Woodrow stopped by to cover the volunteer shift for ABC 7 News.  Watch it here.



Food Bank Response to Hurricane Harvey

September 8, 2017

As Hurricane Harvey pounded southeast Texas, we at the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank were eager to help. With flood waters receding, thousands of people who lost their homes and most of their belongings are now in need of food.  The San Francisco-Marin Food Bank is responding by sending both food and staff to Texas.

Check out recent media coverage about our efforts to help in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey:

And for more on the Hurricane Harvey response effort by the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank, check out our Blog post.

Marin Independent Journal: College Hunger

August 30, 2017

College hunger continues to be an issue, but the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank is meeting the challenge head on, setting up pantries on campuses in Marin and San Francisco.

Marin Independent Journal Reporter Richard Halstead writes about our growing pantry on the College of Marin campus in this story published on August 30th, 2017

Mission Local: Fear in the Immigrant Community

June 24, 2017

Eligible immigrant families continue to dis-enroll from the CalFresh (food stamps) program at an alarming rate.  Some say the drop-off is due to widespread fear in the local immigrant community over possible deportation.

Reporter Laura Wenus with Mission Local takes a look at the issues in this story, published on June 26th, 2017.


KRON 4: Hunger Series

June 16, 2017

KRON 4 News recently dedicated an entire week of news coverage in early June of 2017 to the issue of hunger in the Bay Area. Reporters fanned out across the region, profiling different programs and topics covered by local food banks, including the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank.

Read more about the effort on the KRON 4 webpage here.

Reporter Philippe Djegal’s produced a news story on our Home-Delivered Groceries Program.

At the end of the week, KRON 4 employees volunteered at many of the region’s food banks, including our warehouse in SF.  Djegal chronicled the work that was done in a news story that ran on during the 5 o’clock news.



Food Bank Finals Challenge

June 1, 2017

The San Francisco-Marin Food Bank participated in the Food Bank Finals Challenge, asking fans of the Golden State Warriors to prove they were more generous than Cleveland Cavaliers fans during the 2017 NBA Finals.   The campaign was a big success, with nearly $20,000 raised to feed neighbors in need.

The story was also picked up by a number of local media outlets, including:


Including a video clip on ABC7


The Warriors Home Page

We even put together our own PSA

Paul Ash was also interviewed on KTVU’s Mornings on Two program

Marinscope: Trump’s budget raises alarms for food banks

May 31, 2017

When President Trump issued his proposed budget in June, it sent shockwaves through the food bank community.   The spending plan called for big cuts to vital food safety net programs, prompting this reaction from San Francisco-Marin Food Bank Policy and Advocacy Director Teri Olle:

“This budget is cruel, plain and simple. Everyone should be deeply troubled by its lack of concern for just about everyone, especially those who already have the very least.”

Read more about the budget proposal, and Olle’s reaction in this story from Marinscope reporter Chris Rooney.

Trump’s Budget Raises Alarms for Food Banks