Food For All – A Message from Paul Ash

February 7, 2017

A message from San Francisco-Marin Food Bank Executive Director Paul Ash

Dear Neighbors,

We want you to know that no matter what is happening in our country, you are welcome at the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank and throughout our partner network. We will continue to provide nutritious food to residents of Marin and San Francisco regardless of their citizenship or immigration status.

In recent weeks, the United States of America has experienced some of the biggest political demonstrations in a generation. This is a time of immense change and, for some, great fear. We want to reassure you that when you access food through our programs, we will never ask for or share information about your immigration status, and we have safeguards in place to protect your personal information.

At the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank, we care about one thing above all – that no one in our community goes hungry. We believe everyone in our community should be able to obtain enough nutritious food in a dignified manner to support the health and well-being of themselves and their families.

As always, we are committed to provide food for all.


Paul Ash

>>> We invite you to share your story and thoughts in the comments section below.


最新訊息出自於三藩市馬連食物庫執行董事,Paul Ash




我們希望你知道,不管我們國家現在發生什麼事,三藩市馬連食物庫無任歡迎你參與我們或與其他機構合作提供的服務。我們會繼續向三藩市和馬連縣的居民提供有營養糧食, 不論你是公民或移民身份。









Paul Ash


Un mensaje de Paul Ash, Director Ejecutivo del Banco de Alimentos de San Francisco-Marin

Comida Para Todos

Estimados Vecinos,

Queremos que sepa que no importa lo que esté sucediendo en nuestro país, usted es bienvenido en el Banco de Alimentos de San Francisco-Marin y en toda nuestra red de organizaciones asociadas. Seguiremos entregando alimentos nutritivos a los residentes de Marín y San Francisco sin importar su estatus de ciudadanía o inmigración.

En las últimas semanas, los Estados Unidos ha experimentado algunas de las mayores manifestaciones políticas en una generación. Este es un tiempo de cambios inmensos y, para algunos, de gran temor. Queremos asegurarle que cuando usted recibe alimentos a través de nuestros programas, nunca pediremos o compartiremos información acerca de su estado migratorio, y tenemos medidas de seguridad para proteger su información personal.

En el Banco de Alimentos de San Francisco-Marin nos preocupa una cosa sobre todo: que nadie en nuestra comunidad tenga hambre. Creemos que todos en nuestra comunidad deben ser capaces de obtener suficientes alimentos nutritivos de una manera digna para apoyar la salud y el bienestar de ellos mismos y sus familias.

Como siempre, estamos comprometidos a proporcionar comida para todos.


Paul Ash

Food Safety Net Remains Intact

December 15, 2016

Many of our partners, colleagues, and clients have expressed concerns that proposed changes by the incoming federal administration will change access to safety net programs – including food assistance — that so many in our community depend on.

On November 21st, 2016, the City and County of San Francisco released a statement affirming that at this time, there are absolutely no changes to any of the vital programs administered by the SF Human Services Agency, including CalFresh and Medi-Cal. Marin County released a similar letter on December 6th, affirming its commitment to serving all residents of Marin through these vital programs.

Read the full statement from Trent Rhorer, Executive Director of SF-HSA .
Read the full statement from Grant Colfax, Director of Marin-HHS.

In the coming months and years, we may call on our community to join us in protecting these crucial programs. For now, the San Francisco Human Services Agency, the Marin County Department of Health and Human Services, and the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank remain open for business as usual.

Additionally, San Francisco has affirmed that it will remain a Sanctuary City, meaning that law enforcement will not assist in the deportation of undocumented immigrants. As always, receiving CalFresh and/or Medi-Cal will not impact anyone’s immigration status or future prospects for gaining permanent legal status. Marin County also passed a resolution on December 13th, expressing the County’s commitment to protecting the rights, freedoms and interests of all members of Marin County.

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) has also released this All-County Information Notice instructing all California counties to assure low-income immigrants that receipt of CalFresh nutrition benefits, or other programs that do not give cash, will not impact their immigration status.

For more information about receiving CalFresh and Medi-Cal as an immigrant, click here: English/Español/中文/Tiếng Việt/русский.