Food Bank Rallies Tech Community to Hack Hunger

November 3, 2016

SAN FRANCISCO – Starting Nov. 7 the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank and the Bay Area tech community will roll out the first-ever #HackHunger fundraising challenge, aiming to raise much needed funds that will ultimately help feed our neighbors in need.

Dozens of firms have already signed up, including tech titans like Salesforce, Riverbed, Zendesk, Mattermark, DocuSign, and 2K. See the entire list here.

The goal is to raise $500,000, enough to purchase a new delivery truck, and gas-up and maintain the rest of our 18-vehicle fleet for an entire year.

“The tech industry is filled with hackers tackling complex problems and technical challenges, yet the fight against hunger won’t be solved by apps,” said Adam Seligman, executive vice president at Salesforce and member of the Hack Hunger host committee. “Hack Hunger will bring the tech community together to drive positive change in our community.”

WHAT: TWO separate #HackHunger kickoff media events

WHEN: Friday, November 4, 12:30p – 1:30pm & Monday, November 7, 2:00pm – 4:00pm

WHERE: San Francisco-Marin Food Bank Warehouse, 900 Pennsylvania Ave. San Francisco CA 94107

WHO: Representatives from the Food Bank, Salesforce (11-4) and Riverbed CEO Jerry Kennelly (11-7) Expect plenty of Interview/Audio/Video/Photo opportunities

Mark Seelig, PR Manager, San Francisco-Marin Food Bank
(office) 415-282-1907 x270; (cell) 415-246-9146


About the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank
The San Francisco-Marin Food Bank’s mission is to end hunger in San Francisco and Marin, where one in four neighbors is at risk of hunger. We envision a community where everyone is able to obtain enough nutritious food in a dignified manner to support the health and well-being of themselves and their families. We address hunger head on: from our pantry network and home-delivered groceries, to our nutrition-education classes and food-stamp enrollment, we work in many ways to nourish and empower neighbors in need. Every week, 30,000 households count on us for food assistance. Nearly 60 percent of what we distribute is fresh fruits and vegetables. Learn more at

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