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Use our Food Locator tool to find food assistance in San Francisco and Marin. Our tool can help you locate weekly free groceries, monthly food boxes for seniors, one-time emergency food, or help to enroll in CalFresh (food stamps).
The San Francisco-Marin Food Bank is committed to serving residents regardless of their immigration status.
There are organizations that serve free, healthy lunches and snacks to anyone age 18 and under every weekday during the months that school is not in session. No proof of need, registration, or identification is required. Check back in the spring for more details.
The CA Meals for Kids mobile application helps you find nearby California Afterschool and Summer Meal Programs Sites through your iOS, Android, or Microsoft devices.
Visit eatfresh.org for access to healthy recipes, support from online dietitians, and helpful nutrition resources. Information is available in English, Chinese and Spanish.
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